About CDS

Decades of hard work and substantial investment have established a premier network of recycling depots across South Australia.
This wasn’t easy—if it was, everyone would have done it. South Australia is on the cusp of a recycling revolution that is bigger than just beverages. It's time to broaden our horizons and integrate more recyclable containers, continue to innovate, create more opportunities and make a significant impact on closing our circular economy gap.
Our state is the leader in recycling, thanks in large part to the convenience and innovation that has spawned from independent competitive tension. The CDS review process should only have ever looked to improve upon the very successful, existing system. This review has stalled and the Recyclers of South Australia have waited long enough.
Uncertainty is impeding progress and the risk of regression is too significant to ignore. We cannot afford to take a step backwards and undermine a system that has been beneficial for our environment, our industries and our communities. We need legislation that not only supports what we already do so well here in South Australia, but also advances our recycling capabilities. It’s time for legislation that looks forward, ensuring our recycling systems are effective, free from any conflicts of interest and continues to lead the way toward a better future for all South Australians.
How the CDS Works
Beverage wholesaler supplies to retailers. The 10 cent deposit and an agreed handling fee is included in the wholesale price of the beverage.
The deposit and handling fee is retained by the beverage filler or their agent who operates as the super collector. This is held until the deposit containers are returned to them to be recycled.
The CDS Review
→ Fees dictated by beverage industry
→ Not equal for depots
→ No oversight
→ No dispute resolution process
→ Ineffective handling contracts
Recommended Structure
→ Free from conflicts of interest
→ Fixed fees
→ Depot selects Super Collector
→ Standard contracts
→ Independent oversight
→ Fair dispute resolution process
→ Maintains competitive tension
Get in contact
For any specific enquiries please contact us via the form. Make sure to have a look through our FAQs just in case we have already answered your question.
1102 Main South Road,
Edwardstown SA 5039